My GO-TO Essential Oil
I burned myself on my 425 degree oven yesterday. I feel like I could hear the sound of my poor finger screaming. I had a huge and heavy pan of roasted garlic cauliflower (YUM) and made the mistake of using one hand to pull it out. My finger was pretty seared. And it hurt. Panic mode and then I took a breath and thought herbs, oils, natural healing modalities.
I remembered that Roman Chamomile helps prevent burn injury. Shoot, don't have any of that. But my favorite blend, Serenity did! So I put about 4-6 drops of the oil on my burn. Literally, NO pain after that. Did not hurt, barely bubbled. I am so amazed. In fact, I totally forgot about it the next day until I looked down and saw it, realizing I HAD to share this with you.
Not the prettiest thing to look at but the main thing is that there was NO pain.
As a holistic therapist focused on enhancing your natural state of calm and serenity, this oil is naturally my favorite. I keep it in my purse if I feel stressed, or just want a little boost.
Here's what it's made of:
Lavender Flower
Sweet Marjoram Leaf
Roman Chamomile Flower
Ylang Ylang Flower
Hawaiian Sandalwood
Vanilla Bean Absolute
It helps promote a restful sleep, can help calm nerves and boost your mood. I highly recommend keeping a bottle in your medicine cabinet for mood, sleep and small kitchen burns for adults.
What's your favorite oil?
To purchase Serenity, click here