Moving through change
Change is an inevitable part of life. But how do we move through it?
Changing self talk
Recognizing our self-talk is really a key part of creating change, because as always, awareness is the first step in making a change in our lives.
Anxiety into Awakening
Happy almost spring! The beautiful blooms and baby birds are bringing me much joy. How about you? And as spring draws near, we are all greeted with opportunities for collective change and growth - a time of growth and rebirth for us as a community and as individuals… however - change can increase feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. While we may be temped to push away our symptoms, I invite you to explore them with curiosity.
On hard emotions…
Most of us don’t learn how to deal with hard emotions like anger, sadness, despair, grief as children... So, we learn how to regulate ourselves and how to push down hard things in order to feel better temporarily, keep the peace, or not make others mad in the process. Especially if we are (recovering!) people pleasers, we learn how to avoid the hard stuff, usually resulting in anxiety…
Anxiety, Empaths & Moods
If you are an empath, or highly empathic, you feel things deeply and can pick up nuanced information in your environment. However, it’s important to note that not all the information picked up is a fact. Part of this gift is learning how to carefully craft your intuitive gifts and learn how to interpret information from your environment. This takes time and support and is often the work I do with my clients in session.t here.
Growth in uncertain times
These uncertain times have understandably thrown many of us into some deep questioning about our lives and what it means to be human. And for many, bouts of intense anxiety and existential crises arise. But what is really at the depth of our questioning – in my mind, it’s about what it means to be human – simultaneously individual and social… in that we all begin to question and explore what it means …
Beginning your Gut Health Journey
When treating anxiety, my clients and I work together to help balance different aspects of life: body, mind and spirit. But what if I told you that science is showing that the bacteria in your gut can directly affect your behavior and emotions….
Anxious Empaths and Self Care
As an "anxious empath", self care is a must. Here are 3 tips to improving self care. And learn about my #1 way to reduce sugar addition in this youtube clip!
Anxious Empaths - Relationships
I started using the phrase “anxious empaths” after my twelve years as a therapist. In that time, I began to notice patterns in my clients both physically and emotionally. There were stories of feeling exhausted, periods of depression, always feeling like they need to help someone, being the ‘counselor’ of their group of friends…
Anxious Empaths Introduction
If you struggle with anxiety, and you are highly sensitive, you might be what I call an “anxious empath”. First let me define what I mean by this…
Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
I love chocolate chip cookies. So very much. But only the homemade, gooey ones. They remind me of childhood and are my favorite splurge. These cookies are a great occasional solution – they are gluten free, low in sugar and really surprisingly, amazingly good.
Penne & Butternut Squash Recipe with Organico Bello Sauce
Tomato sauce will make or break an Italian meal. If it's not good, your meal will taste off. And if it's not healthy, your body will feel it.
Magical Mindful Opportunities
Over the last few years, our family has been on a journey of seeking: joy, balance and clean laundry…Neither of us like doing laundry (shocker) but it's one of those pesky things that needs to be done…Insert mindfulness.
Why Mom Self Care Matters
The greatest gift you can give to your children is to heal, love and nourish yourself. Hey sweet, beautiful moms, this one is for you. I want to share the number one reason why you should take care of yourselves: Your child is watching you.
My GO-TO Essential Oil
I burned myself on my 425 degree oven yesterday. I feel like I could hear the sound of my poor finger screaming…Panic mode and then I took a breath and thought herbs, oils, natural healing modalities.
"This is my Story. I'm in my Story." When you're going through a personal struggle...
“This is my story. I’m in my story.” This is what I tell myself when I’m going through a tough time or having a personal struggle. Hard times make us stronger. They give us the juicy details that make up our life. They give us perspective…We may know that to be true, but that statement doesn’t make it any easier to be in the hard times.
Open your Heart to the Possibility for Change
Are you choosing to do things in your life that are unnecessarily difficult? Do you sometimes feel like you stress and struggle in secret?…Ask yourself, "do I really want to be doing these things?
Smoothie Bowl Recipe, Purple Lips + How to Combat Stress
It's a packed post, y'all.
Me on Monday Morning: Wake up, happily at 7 am. Think to myself: “oh, great! I have so much time.” Leisurely make breakfast and kids’ lunches while listening to “100 greatest Disney songs” Sing along to The Little Mermaid. Crap, it’s 8:00. Need to make a smoothie bowl for the blog. Mom and sister say it’s the newest smoothie crave. Gotta get on it…
Be the Light on this Inauguration Day
Be the light.
Outrage fatigue. It’s a thing. I have a feeling that many of you have experienced it during these trying political times… As a therapist, I have talked with countless people who are struggling with true anxiety, depression and stress related to our political (and social) realm.